
Food Security (n) : knowing where your next meal is going to come from

Of the tens of thousands residents in the Dayton Area, 17% of them lack food security. This number includes almost 40,000 children. That’s 40,000 who don’t ask their parents what they’re having for dinner, but instead ask if they’re having dinner.

At Good Neighbor House, we work hard to help families in need. Our pantry serves hundreds of people per week, and that number just keeps growing! In the past year, traffic through the pantry has increased by 40%.

That’s why we need you to help fill the pantry. Right now, Good Neighbor House pantry is in dire need of the following items:

  • Personal Hygiene items: deodorant, tooth brushes, toothpaste, bar soap
  • Dessert items: cake mix, cookie mix, frosting and prepackaged cookies
  • Breakfast items: oatmeal, cereal, breakfast bars
  • Snack foods: popcorn, granola bars, raisins

Our drop-off site:

  • Items can be dropped off at Good Neighbor House Monday through Thursday from 9am-3pm.
  • Please do not leave items at the doors.  

Good Neighbor House believes that nobody should go to bed hungry. That’s why we provide Dayton area families food and nutritional services in our Special Dietary Needs Pantry program, including one on one counseling with a Registered


  • Food Pantry (a variety of items for a 4-5 day emergency supply of food)
  • Special Dietary Needs Pantry (For individuals w/Chronic Health Issues pre-registration and appointment required )

Because the purpose of Good Neighbor House is to provide help for under-served individuals and families, clients must meet certain eligibility requirements to qualify for our services. If eligible, clients are able to receive groceries every 15 days.

Good Neighbor House provisional participants must:

  • present photo ID for adults in the home,  Social Security cards or medical cards for all minor family members
  • Until further notice, if you are wanting to use our Food Pantry Services, when you arrive at our site,  pleased contact 937-224-3003 Ext: 0 Monday through Thursday between the hours of 9:00am-1:00pm.

For more information about our food pantry and available nutrition services, please call 937-224-3003. For Special Dietary Needs Pantry please call 927-224-3003 Ext: 105.

For more information, call us at 937-224-3003 Ext: 108.