Good Neighbor House believes that nobody should go to bed hungry. That’s why we provide Dayton area families food and nutritional services, including fresh foods whenever available. We offer:
- Food Pantry – Dry & Canned Goods, Meats. Fresh Fruits & Vegetables whenever available.
Because the purpose of Good Neighbor House is to provide help for under-served individuals and families, clients must meet certain eligibility requirements to qualify for our services. If eligible, clients are able to receive groceries every 15 days.
Pantry Hours of Operation:
Monday- Thursday 9AM-2PM
All requests must be made by 1:30 PM to guarantee same-day service.
Good Neighbor House provisional participants must:
- present photo ID and proof of residency for all family members
- 211 Card (Only if you have received one in the past from GNH or any other organization)
- Appointments are NOT required
For more information about our food pantry and available nutrition services, please call 937-224-3003 or send us a message here.